Reclaiming Who You Are: Releasing Your False Beliefs
Imagine yourself from age two to age seven; this period is called ‘the formative years’ for good reason.

Imagine yourself from age two to age seven; this period is called ‘the formative years’ for good reason.
Imagine yourself from age two to age seven; this period is called ‘the formative years’ for good reason.
You might be surprised to learn that over these five short years, you were imprinted with up to 90% of the values and beliefs that you then carried into adulthood. Your environment set the groundwork for all your emotional patterns. What you saw, heard, and felt registered unconsciously. It defined how you experienced all sorts of issues: from love, conflict and education to intimacy, money, and religion. Your developing mind was coded in powerful ways, long before you were verbal.
Even the most loving homes can set unintentional messages around these building blocks. In turn, we absorb ideas that we cannot do certain things or be certain ways. It might be as seemingly straightforward as, “Girls aren’t good at math” to far more subtle messages about our abilities, bodies, personal potential or our place in the family. Our minds at that time are so sensitive—and so pliable— that an imprint can stem from a single off-the-cuff comment.
These messages create false beliefs that our young minds cannot discern, and so we adopt them as truths; we accept fiction as reality. We might never have challenged these false beliefs, as they came from people whom we love, trust and depend on.
The good news? Just as we learned these false beliefs, we can un-learn them. We can lovingly stare them down and call them out for the falsehoods they are. We can replace them with statements that reflect our true ability.
In a single powerful session, I will navigate you through a six-step process that will equip you with the tools to release these false beliefs. You will feel lighter, unburdened.
Clarity. Communication. Consistency.
You will identify recurring patterns, gaining clarity around who you are, and all you can achieve.
You will be equipped with strategies for better communication, transforming your relationships and easing conflict.
You will start to use these tools each day, with a consistency that becomes second nature.
You will feel stress begin to dissolve.