Alice Bacon | Nominated | 2023 Australian of the Year Awards
What an absolute honour to receive a nomination for the 2023 Australian of Year Awards. Words can’t express how grateful I am to be recognised in this way.
“Alicia there are NOT enough words to express what your nomination has meant to me. An absolute honour that is both humbling and a heartfelt (and a heart received) gift of Grace itself. In life we are fortunate to meet those who make an incredible difference into who we are and all that we stand for and represent. Thank you for seeing me as who I am. To be gifted by your gracious & generous input and all the efforts that I know that you have applied into this nomination is phenomenal and extraordinary in itself. You are a once in a lifetime gift that I treasure and I appreciate so much.”
I would also like to thank everyone that supported this nomination. I know the effort that you also applied. For this I will always be grateful and remain humbled by your actions.
Alice Bacon is Your Inner Coach Expert, Life Coach, Mentor and Certified Birkman Method Consultant. Her work as a personal coach is life changing and incredibly inspiring. See her reviews here.
For more information contact Alice info@alicebacon.com