We race through life, lurching from one appointment to the next. We feel chained to our adult responsibilities: Schedules, family obligations and mortgages. And it seems we are tugged in ever more directions.
We have all been told to ‘be present’. But what does that really mean, in its essence? When we are aware—truly aware—of our internal state, we are presented with a new perspective. We have the chance to take an internal audit. And here’s the beauty of it: it takes only six seconds to change our mind as to how we perceive a situation, and even more vitally—how we react to it.
Let’s stop that reactive state in its tracks. When you step back from reaction, and stay neutral, you’re open to seeing new ways of being, and behaving—no matter what happens. Neutrality doesn’t mean suppressing your opinions or being a doormat. It means managing that internal knee-jerk reaction that keeps us caught in old patterns.
Contact me to find out how to stop that reactive state in its tracks. Learn simple, powerful strategies to harness the power of Your Six-Second Autopilot®. These are the very same strategies I personally put into practise, that turned my life around.