The Birkman Method is more than a self-assessment of personality. It is an amazing life changing process that takes you on a journey of self-awareness into your unique motivations, effective social style and potentially less-effective styles.
A key component in the process is the support of Alice, a certified Birkman Method Consultant who acknowledges your uniqueness and strengths and guides you in managing your environment to align with your motivations.
About The Birkman Method
In 1951, Dr. Roger W. Birkman created the Test of Social Comprehension. His inspiration for the instrument was driven by his war-time experiences, where he saw first-hand that individual differences in visual and interpersonal perceptions impacted pilot performance and learning. Today, the Test of Social Comprehension is now known as The Birkman Method and has been completed by millions of people and used by thousands of companies worldwide.
The Birkman Method reveals four key perspectives of every person: Motivation, Self-Perception, Social Perception, and Mindset. In understanding these perceptions and how they influence each other, individuals can better understand the emotions and actions that drive their life.
Understanding an individual at a core level
Dr. Birkman developed the instrument to measure human characteristics he saw influencing behaviours, motivations, and perceptions. Describing these deeply rooted perceptions is a core differentiator of The Birkman Method, as the instrument can tap into how someone is likely to behave and also why.
Positive psychology a work
The Birkman Method reports on both behavioural and occupational data and leverages a unique methodology for assessing personality through positive psychology. “Positive Psychology” has become a popular term of late in “pop” psychology. Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive.
The goal of positive psychology is to help people live and flourish rather than merely exist and is a “view within scientific psychology that aims to achieve a balanced and empirically grounded body of research on human nature and social relations” (Keyes & Haidt, 2003, p. 3).
In 1951, Roger Birkman started down a proactive, positive path with the development of his assessment, The Birkman Method, as a true humanistic psychological assessment.
Get on the right path in life.
Source: www.birkman.com and www.alicebacon.com