From early childhood, we unknowingly create unconscious habits and messages that both boost us and betray us. Many of these are fed to us, wittingly or unwittingly by our loved ones. For example, “Girls are bad at maths,” or “You’re big-boned.” These messages are often unspoken, and have no basis, yet they can become imprinted in our very being and sense of self.
We absorb and carry these views, habits and thought patterns into adulthood, and they become like a second skin. They effect how we see the world around us, and our place in it. I work with clients like you to peel away/shed that layer that is not serving you.
Research has shown that when we are triggered in our relationships, we have six seconds to become aware, and to choose a fresh reaction. These six seconds may not sound like much, but in fact, they are key to change our patterns. As we pause, that time expands with potential to speak a new word. Think a new thought. Take new action.
Our Primal Brains Vs. Our Modern Brains:
As we grow, we either respond to habits from our primal brain or our modern brain.
Our primal brain is responsible for survival, drive, and instinct, and ultimately it is focused on ensuring our safety. It can also trigger us to lose a sense of inner control. It served cavemen well!
By contrast, our modern brain is rational and clear in thinking, and enables us to maintain inner control.
Here’s the thing: they can’t work in tandem. We use one or the other. When our primal brain becomes activated, our modern brain automatically starts to turn off.
The moment we become reactive (or we release cortisol) it is generally because our primal brain has perceived a threat or we’re tapping a false belief from our past. Our primal brain shortcuts to the past, fast tracking from A to B as quick as possible, with an aim of sourcing a solution (“Of course.” we think to ourselves, “Everyone knows girls are not good at maths. I’ll choose a different path.”)
The modern brain is the one we want to use!
As mentioned, we have up to six seconds to intervene between our primal and modern brain and change the way we react or respond. I can work with you to harness Your Six-Second Autopilot (armed with pre-learned strategies).
• You will be able to recognise the moment you become reactive.
• Being aware of triggers and emotions equips you with the insight to flip the switch and choose a new way forward.
• Your strategies will kick in.
• You will see and feel the options open to you. Your “modern brain” will kick back in, returning you to rational and clear thinking.
• Your Six Second Autopilot is always with you, ready to support you and arm you with fresh options.
Learn to harness Your Six-Second Autopilot. Contact me today.